Every friday

Weekly market in Hünfeld

Every Friday from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. the weekly market is bustling. The weekly market at Hünfelder Anger has been around since 1984. Three market stalls have been present since the company was founded almost 40 years ago: Petersen eggs and poultry specialities from Mackenzell, where you can find eggs, pasta, poultry products, but also sausages in a roll; the Schönrath Eierhof from Hünhan, which offers eggs, pasta and poultry; and the Kimpel home butcher's shop from Langenschwarz with its meat and sausage products. “We only sell what we produce ourselves,” says butcher Bernd Kimpel.

Plakat Wochenmarkt

The wood oven bakery Reichhardt from Schenklengsfeld has been represented for 20 years with a large assortment of breads, rolls and cakes. Fresh fish from Bremerhaven, trout from own breeding, smoked fish, salads and fish rolls have been offering fish market Krauß from Schrecksbach in Hünfeld since 2007.

In 2023 a new stand has been added: the Seiler family from Dittlofrod offers their home-made meat and sausage products from their own production. “Everything we have here has been in our stable,” says Katja Seiler. A delicious idea: You can buy currywurst, Pulled Pork or Bolognese in the glass.

Honey products have been available since 2014 by beekeeper Andrej Knez from Großenlüder-Bimbach. It also smells delicious at delicatessen safari from Bebra, which have been represented at the weekly market in Hünfeld since 2002. Homemade specialities, antipasti, breads and biscuits are available for the market visitors to buy.

Many of the people who shop at the weekly market are regular customers. It is not only the shopping itself that attracts citizens there, but also a nice conversation with friends and acquaintances. “The lively weekly market in Hünfeld has been established for many years and is part of our city,” says Mayor Benjamin Tschesnok.

Market hall

As a complement to the weekly market, the Hünfelder Markthalle took place for the first time in 2022 on two days in the Lokschuppen. Due to the great response, there is now a new edition of the Markthalle every year.

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Impressions of the weekly market