Town goat
The town goat
He is often used by children as a climbing figure and riding animal: the Hünfelder Amtsbock on the town hall square is spoken of. The history of bronze sculpture has its roots in 1961. At that time, Hünfeld and Sargenzell had a common goat, which regularly had to provide for offspring.
The animal was housed with Karl Petter, a farmer in Sargenzell, who fed and cared for it. Angry about the lack of money for both food and care, the farmer brought the goat to the town hall, where he left it with the words "here you have your goat", turned around and went home to Sargenzell.
This is evidenced by the song "Ein Bäuerle sollt ein Geißbock halte" after the melody "On the Swabian Railway". The original story is told every year at the end of the Gaalbernfest before the Amtsbock beer tasting in a humorous way at the monument of the Amtsbock.

The history of the Hünfelder town goat
Anno Domini happened in October 1961 in "Gaalbernshausen" an der Haune.
Narrated in funny verses by Conrad Schäfer
The goat is a useful animal. It's for the offspring, not for decoration. But when the goat comes to office. So many there the heart terrified.
So it was in the Gaalbernstadt. In the autumn, the citizens were flat. A peasant took him to the council house, then, that's it.
He himself drove away quickly and thought, "You can get me inside!"
The only thing left was the goat, which stank. That was the farmer's grateful thanks! The goat inside, jumping back and forth.
He moaned, ran through and through. Dropped something here and there. Has no respect for the halls.
Doesn't shy at all, got wet. For him, it was a heathen's joke. The scents were blowing stronger and stronger, those were the goat's strongest feuds.
The city lords themselves rumbled their noses as much as they complained and scolded, does not matter to Master Bock at all,
That's why he stayed in the house! He thought that if someone does "mock" it's me, because I'm good at it. I have learned it, I am predetermined and therefore I deserve the honor!
I'm also complaining because you don't pay my master the money he wants for my performance! Let the lightning that roars!"
That didn't help the goat, he had to get out, into the daylight. But no matter how hard one struggled and tormented, it was the goat that did not despair here.
Only when the "doctor" was quoted. Who then kidnapped this primitive animal, restores peace in the "High House", which was the goat's last bouquet!
Only the "sweet" scents remained, comparable to the tombs of the tomb. The peasant's prank was also left behind, one speaks of it in the next kingdom!